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Marco Vega

Marco Vega (he/they), received a BFA in Dance Performance and a BA in Education Sciences specializing in Digital Media from the University of California, Irvine in Spring 2021. Additional training includes the Whim W’him Summer and Winter Intensives under the direction of Olivier Wevers and Karl Watson, the GALLIM Summer Intensive as an Emerging Artist Scholar under the direction of Andrea Miller, and the BEMOVING Summer Dance Program under the direction of Bret Easterling. Upon graduation, he joined Backhausdance as company member in Orange County, California and completed three seasons with the company. During their time, they had the opportunity to originate roles in works by Ching Ching Wong, Alice Klock and Florian Lochner, Peter Chu, and Amanda Kay White, as well as perform work by Dwight Rhoden. Marco is eager and honored to be performing with Boca Tuya this fall.

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